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j?i.pplicaht Jaspii#ahg<<n aL Attpmey's^DGcket No.; i)6975-l ai^JOQl /.AOLTV 13^ 

ScriaiiNG; : 0$/86t;^578 

Filed : May 3 1, 2001 

Page : 17 of 29 

Amendments to the Claims : 
This listing of claims replaces all prior Aversions and listings of claims in the appl icatipn : 


1. (Currently Amended) A method for making data derived from a video signal 
accessible, comprising: 

rpej^iying data blanking interval of a video signal; 

storing the data received on a storage medium for retrieval based oh a subsequently 
received request; [[and]] 

indexing the stored data such that an application m^ a portion of the stored data 

with a database query: and render^^^m^^^ on the retrieved stored 

data, wher e in indexing the sto^ 

pn?p^ng dataft^ data area and a detail data area, 

separating the stored data into index data and detail data, and 
loading data to the; 4ata^ tabled 
generating display data corresponding to a listing of shows for presentation ias part o^^ 
electronic programming guide by: 

deterMhing seM;c^ of shows. 

searcHihg the ihdexv data stored m index data area based on the search criteria 
associated with the listing of shows, 

identifying one or more shows to include in the listing of shows based on 
searching the index data stored in the index data area. 

accessing, from the index data stored in the index data area, show information for 
the idehtifled one cyr niorfe shows; arid 

jgenerating the display data corresponding to the listing of shows based. on.thc 
show iriforrnation accessed from the iiidM data stored m the ind^ d^ita area: and 

Applicant : Jason Wang etial. Attorney's Docket No.:; Gi5975- rj80{) l / AOLTV 13 

Filed : May 31, 2001 
Page ; 18 pr29 

generating display data corresponding to a show description for presentation as: part of 
the electronic programniing guide b v: 

determining seardi criteriia asisocia withia particular showv 

searchinfe theidMai^xiata^sto^ the: detail data ' area based on ihe search 
associated with the particular show. 

identiiying show description infonnationlfor the^particuliar show based on 
searching ttedetail data^^ data area, 

accessing; jfif6ni:tKe;dgtail dM data area; thei show description 

infbrmati(3n:for the particular showy and 

generatirife; the display ^ia^ 
show description inforniationmccesSed !ft6m . the de^^^ the detail data^afea. 

2, (Original) The method o^ela^ the stdrihg of the data makes the data 

accessible to^an application prograni interface. 

3> (Qriginal) The met^^ storage medium is'a^isk driv such 

that the storing includes ;Storing th!e data; on the disk drive. 

4, (Original) Thejmeffiod of d^^^ video signal is. a cable broadcasted 
video;.sigrial such that receiving; the' dala^ vertical 
blaiiking ihter^ pf the c^le broadcasted vid<S^ 

5, (Giirrentiy Amended) ^TTie method df claini 1, wherein the video sig^^ 
terrestrial broadcasted video signal data derived 
ffoni the yertieai;blankin^^ of the tdestiftl teirestrial brpatfcasted video signal . 

6, (QrigihaiyThe me^ is a: satellite broadcasted 
video signal suchethat receiving th^ data included receixang^d^ the/vertical 
blankiiigihterval of tlie isatellite broadfcaste^ video signatl . 

Applicant. : Jason Wanpt al. Attorney's Docket No;: 06975-1380bl AAOLTV 13 

Seirial No. : 09/867^5^8 
Filed : May3i 2001 
Page : 19bf29 

7. (Original) The method 1, further comprising deriving the data by parsing diatta 
received from the vertical blanking interval of the vidpp signal, 

8, (Currentl y Amended) A cpmputer pro bmbodibd iri a computer readable 
medium, CQpable of generating digital 

blanking iht e i^al 61; d videa si j ^ leasts one cdmputer^readable storage 

riiedium stbrinfe one or more computer programSv the one 6r more coihputcr programs 
comprising executable instructions thatv when executed by a^processor. perform operations: 

g receiving code segment that receives feccivihg data represehtihg inforniatiori 
communicated in a vertical blanking interval of a video signal; 

a g e hefating cod e 'se the data using a 

predetermined algorithni; and 

a storing ;eode segment that stores storing the generated data on a storage medium, 
wherein : Uio rocoiying; code 

receiving the data includes: 

a samplihg code soginent that periodically samples sampling at least a 
portion of.the video signal containing the information, 

a code segment that generates generating ^ numeric representation of the 
ihformatioh including ail array of values based on sarnples from sampling the 
portion of the vided signal the sampling code segrrient,, and 

a codeisegment that r e ceiv e s receiving the array as at least a pprtioh of the 
data- and 

generating the digitalidata includes: 

converting values from within the array of values to at least one binary 
character string; 

coniputihg ah average of several of the array values: 

biasing the average to establish a cutoff value: and 

classifying the information as electronic^^^p^^ data based .on 

whether the received data exceeds the cutoff value. 

^a^pplicarit : Jason Wang et al. Attorney's Docket Slo.: 06975- 13 8C^^^^ 

Senal No. :: 09/867^578 
Filed : May,3:l, 2001 
Page : 20 of 29 

9. (Guirently 

program of claim 8, wherein the data includes non- video mforniation:andi[[the1] receiving the 

data code segment irifeludcs ^ 


10. yCuirehtly Amei^ 

program ;:of dairn 8, wherein tha^dep signal is a cedjilfe: bixia^ signal; such thaf;[[t^ 

i^ceiving tii^ data - cod e segm e nt includes receiving data, 

communicated with the cable broadcasted video sijgnal. 

1 1 (Currently Americled) The at least one computer-readable storage medium computer 
program of cl aim 8, wherein the video signal is a satellite brp video si gnal siich that 

[[ihel] receivingi the data oodaoe^^ receiving data 

communicated with the satellite broadcasted video signal, 

12. (Gurrently Amended) The at least one' computer-readable storage medium computer 
progrdrri of claim 8, wherein'thc video sip terrestrial broadcasted video signal 
such that [[the]] receiving the data code segment ihcltides Q codfe seCT receiving 
data communicated with the telestial terrestrial broadcasted yidep signal. 

13. (Currently Amended) The at least; one computer-readable storage medium coniputer 
program of claim 8, wherein [[the]] receiving the data code:segment includes a cod e : s e gment 
that rocoi VoG receiving data representirig the information communicated with the video signal 
from among a vertical blanking interval of the video signal . 

1 4. fCiirrcntlv Aniended) The at Icast ohe computer-readabl e storage niedium cbmpufer 
program ofclaim 8, wherein at least one of the one or more computer program pirograms is an 
embedded software applicatibn.^^ 

Applicant: :: Jason Wang ^tal. Attorney's Ifocket Nou , 6j5975-138GQlT/ AOLT^ 

Serial No. : 0978i57;5i78 
Filed: : Mi>^3:i,,20M> 
Page : 21 op?. 

15;. (Currently AmendediyTlfe M^east or^ 
program of claim 8, wherein [[the]] digital data obd e^s fe^^ 

sog^ioiit. for converting the; dataHnto^ a^nxiaithat i is usedi ^ generate an el jectronie programming; 

16-19. (Ganccled) 

20\ (Gurrently Amended) The at least one :c6mpute^readable storage m comput e r 
program of claim [ [ 19]] 8 ; wherein computing the average of several of the array values the 
gveragiilj; codfe 

moving average based on the values. 

21. (Currently Amended) The at least one computer-readable storage 
program of claim [[19]] 8j whereiin the classifying code segment classifying the 
iriformation includes classifyihgythe iriformation as a clock run in when the average exceeds the 
cutoff value. 

22. (Gurrently Amended) The at least one computer-readable storage niedi um computer 
program of jcl aim 8, wherein the array of yaluesf represent at least cplor information arid control 

23-25, (Canceled) 

26. (Prevadusly Presente^^^^ The riiethod of claim 1 , wherein indexing the stored data 
further includes updating all indexes associated with the data taM 

27. (Previbusly Present^^^ 

received in temporary memory pri or to storing the data received on a storage medium. 

28; (New) Theimethod of elm 1 , wherein: 

AppUcaht: : Jaspn Wang^et aL Attorney's Docket No- 06975-1380(01 / AOL^ 

SqrialNo. : 09/867^578 , 
Filed : May 3 1, 2001 
Page : 22 of 29 

determining^seMch cn the listing of shows includes detenniiung 

search criteria that includes yime ran^ channel rai^ge; 

searching^the index^ dat^:stored in; the M search criteria 

associated with the listing of shows includes s^ index data stored in the index data 

area based on the time range arid the channel range; 

identifying one; or more shows to include in the hsting of shows based on searching the 
index data stored in the index data/area includes identifying one or more shows included within 
the time range and the channel range; 

. accessing, from the index data stored in the index data area, show information for the 
identified one or more shows includes fp for 
each of tlie identified one or more shows included within the time range and the channel range; 

determining search criteria associated with the particular show includes determining a 
time attribute and a shpw reference; 

searching the detail data stored in the. derail data area based on the search criteria 
associated with the particular show iricludesVsearchirig the detail data stored in the detail data 
area based on the time attribute and the show feference; 

identifying show description information for the particular show based on searching the 
detail data stored in the detail data area includes identifying show description information for the 
particular show corresponding to the time attribute and the show reference; and 

accessing, from the detail data stored in the detail data area„ the show description 
information for the particular show includes accessing, from the detail data stored in the detail 
data area, cxtended information about the particular show. 

29, (New) The metliod of claim 1 further comprising: 

generating display data corresponding to a category-filtered listing of shows for 
presentation as part of the electronic projgrammirig guide by : 

detcrniining search criteria i ncludi ng a time attribute and a categbiy attribute, 
searching the index data stored in the index data area based on the time attribute 

and the category attribute. 

Applicant : Ja^il^'W^ahg^^t ah Attorney's Docket No.:. 06975-13800.1 /Adin^ 

Serial TnIo. : 09/867^578 
Filed : May 3 1, 2001 
Page : 23 of 29 

batsed m sepcliiflg;tlte in da^a stSi^d in data area/identi^iig^Grie^or 

more showsf eprresponding to attribi^e^ 

acxessirig, irom data stored in tihie inde^c d inibrmation for 

thQ^identified cffi^ the catepry' 

attribute, and 

generating t^^ to the^Category-^ltered lis based 

onthe sbQwiinfbnna^^^ 

id^tified one or mor^ the category attribute. 

30, (New) A method for making data derived from a video signal accessible^ 

receiviiig^datare^ pmmimifeatedin a^v 

video signal-; 

generating digital data based on the data usiiitg a predetermined algorithm; and 

storing the generated data on a storage medium; 


receiving the data includes: 

periodically sampUng at least a portion of the video signal containing the 


generating a numeric representation of the information including an array 
of values based <>n §;am and 

receiving the array as at least a portion of the data; and 
generating the digital diata includes: 

convei^ing values/im within tifte #ray c^ v^^ to at least one binary 
character striiigi; 

compiftir^^ of the array values; 

bia^ingithe aweragei^ establish a butoff value; and 

classii^ng electronic programming guide data based on 

whether the received data exceeds the cutdiff value. 

Applicant Jasbh Wang et al Attorney's Docket No.: 06975- 138001 / AOLTV 13 

Serial 14o, : 09/867^578 

Filed : ^lay3j;,:2001 

Page : 24 of 29 

Amendments to 

The attached replacement sheets of drawings replaces the driginal sheets including Figs. 6-12. 
Attachments fonowirig^lastpageof this Amendm^ 
Replacement Sheet (7^ p^^